待办事项 #
- 一个帐户创建一个新列表。
- 一个帐户在他们的列表中创建了一个新任务。每当有人创建新任务时,都会发出
事件。 - 让一个帐户将他们的任务标记为已完成。
module todolist_addr::todolist
use aptos_framework::event;
use std::signer;
use aptos_std::table::{Self, Table};
use aptos_framework::account;
use std::string::String;
// Errors
const E_NOT_INITIALIZED: u64 = 1;
const ETASK_DOESNT_EXIST: u64 = 2;
const ETASK_IS_COMPLETED: u64 = 3;
struct TodoList has key {
tasks: Table<u64, Task>,
set_task_event: event::EventHandle<Task>,
task_counter: u64
struct Task has store, drop, copy {
task_id: u64,
content: String,
completed: bool,
public entry fun create_list(account: &signer){
let tasks_holder = TodoList {
tasks: table::new(),
set_task_event: account::new_event_handle<Task>(account),
task_counter: 0
// move the TodoList resource under the signer account
move_to(account, tasks_holder);
public entry fun create_task(account: &signer, content: String) acquires TodoList {
// gets the signer address
let signer_address = signer::address_of(account);
// gets the TodoList resource
assert!(exists<TodoList>(signer_address), E_NOT_INITIALIZED);
let todo_list = borrow_global_mut<TodoList>(signer_address);
// increment task counter
let counter = todo_list.task_counter + 1;
// creates a new Task
let new_task = Task {
task_id: counter,
address: signer_address,
completed: false
// adds the new task into the tasks table
table::upsert(&mut todo_list.tasks, counter, new_task);
// sets the task counter to be the incremented counter
todo_list.task_counter = counter;
// fires a new task created event
&mut borrow_global_mut<TodoList>(signer_address).set_task_event,
public entry fun complete_task(account: &signer, task_id: u64) acquires TodoList {
// gets the signer address
let signer_address = signer::address_of(account);
// assert signer has created a list
assert!(exists<TodoList>(signer_address), E_NOT_INITIALIZED);
// gets the TodoList resource
let todo_list = borrow_global_mut<TodoList>(signer_address);
// assert task exists
assert!(table::contains(&todo_list.tasks, task_id), ETASK_DOESNT_EXIST);
// gets the task matched the task_id
let task_record = table::borrow_mut(&mut todo_list.tasks, task_id);
// assert task is not completed
assert!(task_record.completed == false, ETASK_IS_COMPLETED);
// update task as completed
task_record.completed = true;
use std::string;
#[test(admin = @0x123)]
public entry fun test_flow(admin: signer) acquires TodoList {
// creates an admin @todolist_addr account for test
// initialize contract with admin account
// creates a task by the admin account
create_task(&admin, string::utf8(b"New Task"));
let task_count = event::counter(&borrow_global<TodoList>(signer::address_of(&admin)).set_task_event);
assert!(task_count == 1, 4);
let todo_list = borrow_global<TodoList>(signer::address_of(&admin));
assert!(todo_list.task_counter == 1, 5);
let task_record = table::borrow(&todo_list.tasks, todo_list.task_counter);
assert!(task_record.task_id == 1, 6);
assert!(task_record.completed == false, 7);
assert!(task_record.content == string::utf8(b"New Task"), 8);
assert!(task_record.address == signer::address_of(&admin), 9);
// updates task as completed
complete_task(&admin, 1);
let todo_list = borrow_global<TodoList>(signer::address_of(&admin));
let task_record = table::borrow(&todo_list.tasks, 1);
assert!(task_record.task_id == 1, 10);
assert!(task_record.completed == true, 11);
assert!(task_record.content == string::utf8(b"New Task"), 12);
assert!(task_record.address == signer::address_of(&admin), 13);
#[test(admin = @0x123)]
#[expected_failure(abort_code = E_NOT_INITIALIZED)]
public entry fun account_can_not_update_task(admin: signer) acquires TodoList {
// creates an admin @todolist_addr account for test
// account can not toggle task as no list was created
complete_task(&admin, 2);